Ever thought, how do I manage my docker containers, images, volumes, networks etc outside of the command line?
In today’s TechBite we will be looking at Portainer 👌.
So what is Portainer? 🤔
Portainer is, first of all, a docker image we can instantiate as a container. Once running as a container, gives us a Web UI for building and managing our Docker host or Docker swarm environments.
Why would you need Portainer?
A few reasons why you might want to have Portainer in running in your environment include
- You prefer a UI-like solution that gives you a click-through to visualize your docker environment;
- You have a microservice application running and want to see the logs for different services visually instead of having a number of split terminals opened; 😄
- You want a mix of terminals and UI view of your docker environment.
Now to the question you have been thinking and asking… how can you install Portainer?
- First, we will need to create a Portainer volume to persist data. This can be achieved by running the below command
$ docker volume create portainer_data
- Next, pull and run the Portainer image by running the below command
$ docker container run -d --name portainer -p 8090:9000 --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce
Once the above two commands have been run, you can access Portainer from your browser by visiting [DOCKER_HOST]:8090
Next will be images on how Portainer looks on my end.
See you all in the next TechBite! 👍